Overcoming Menstrual Pain & PMS: Breaking Free from Monthly Fear

3 min read

Acupuncture is well-known for alleviating pain, but did you know it can also address a range of PMS issues, including bloating, fatigue, headaches, and irritability? 

The menstrual cycle provides significant insights into a person's overall health and when there is imbalance pain and PMS can show up.

Acupuncture facilitates the smooth flow of Qi and nourishes the blood, effectively addressing headaches and irritability. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory emphasizes the significant role of the Spleen in managing bloating, suggesting that strengthening it can combat this discomfort.

For self-care at home, consider gently kneading the acupressure points "Large Intestine 4" and "Liver 3" using circular motions. This technique aids in tonifying and regulating Qi, providing relief from specific PMS symptoms.

Large Intestine 4 is located between the base of your thumb and index finger on the webbing of your hand - feel for a tender spot.

Liver 3 is located between your big toe and second toe, in the deepest depression you feel.

Incorporating acupuncture into your wellness routine can be a game-changer in managing menstrual pain and PMS. By addressing the root causes and promoting balance within the body, acupuncture not only alleviates immediate discomfort but also supports long-term health. Next time you face the challenges of your menstrual cycle, consider trying these acupressure techniques at home and consulting with a licensed acupuncturist. Break free from the monthly fear and embrace a smoother, more balanced cycle with the power of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This post was written by wellbe’s Registered Acupuncturist, Sharon Whelan. Click here to book your first visit with her.