Sharon Whelan

acupuncturist, healer & mama

Book with Sharon (Beaches)

Sharon embarked on a profound journey of soul searching during the COVID-19 lockdown, ultimately discovering her true calling in acupuncture.


Driven by her unwavering commitment to helping others, she found that acupuncture resonated deeply with her core values. As she navigated her own healing journey, the stars aligned allowing Sharon to realize that this was the perfect path to make a meaningful impact on people's lives. With a clear vision and a passion for holistic wellness, she dedicated herself to mastering the art of acupuncture, knowing it was her mission to guide others on their path to health and well-being.

Sharon has a special interest in women's health and stress management, and her gentle approach to needling is fantastic news for our needle-phobic friends! She is passionate about empowering individuals to take charge of their healing journey, and wholeheartedly believes in the transformative power of acupuncture. Her compassionate approach ensures that every session is not just a treatment but a step towards holistic well-being, making her a trusted partner in your health and wellness journey.

Whether you're managing stress, focusing on women's health, or simply seeking balance, Sharon's expertise and warmth make each visit a positive and uplifting experience.

more about Sharon


  • Women's health
  • Fertility treatment
  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Support
  • Digestion
  • Mental Health/Stress

Services Provided

  • Acupuncture
  • Cupping
  • Moxibustion
  • Gua Sha

Key Qualifications

  • Registered Acupuncturist

fun facts about Sharon

used to be a makeup artist and worked on popular TV shows

has a Cancer Sun, Leo Rising and Virgo Moon - and are always at odds with each other

OG from Ireland but Canada is home


have a question?

If you have any questions about our clinic or services, please use our chat box, or contact us.