Sunscreen Smackdown: Picking Your Perfect Sun Shield!

3 min read

Hey hey, sun seekers and shade lovers!

We all know the sun can be a sneaky character. 

It gives us that beachy glow and essential vitamin D, but too much fun in the sun can lead to burns, wrinkles, skin spots and even skin cancer. That's where sunscreen comes in, acting like your personal bodyguard against those UV ray villains!

Making an informed decision about your choice of sunscreen is my job as your wellbe NP and I’m spilling the tea on the secret tips you may not have known about sunscreen!  

Secret Tip 1: WTF is SPF?! 

Your Sun Protection Factor (SPF)

Think of SPF as your shield's strength. The higher the number, the more UVB rays (the ones that cause sunburn) it blocks. Here's a quick cheat sheet:

  • SPF 15: Blocks about 93% of UVB rays - Good for shady strolls, but not your everyday hero.

  • SPF 30-50: Blocks about 97% of UVB rays - A solid choice for most daily adventures for most people

  • SPF 50+: Blocks over 98% of UVB rays - The ultimate defence for extended sun exposure or fair skin. 

Secret Tip 2: Broad Spectrum - Blocking More Than Just One Punch

The sun throws two punches: UVA and UVB rays. UVB rays cause sunburn, but sneaky UVA rays penetrate deeper and contribute to wrinkles and skin cancer. Choose a sunscreen labelled "broad spectrum" to block both punches and keep your skin looking fierce!

Secret Tip 3: Water Resistance - Don't Let Sweat Knock You Out

Planning a pool party or a beach bash? Look for "water-resistant" sunscreen. But remember, even these champions need to be reapplied after swimming or sweating heavily. ‍Think application every 2 hours at a minimum if you’re lounging in the heat.

Secret Tip 4: Skin Sensitivity - Some Fighters Need Special Gloves

If you have sensitive skin, look for "gentle" or "fragrance-free" formulas to avoid irritation. Mineral sunscreens (with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) are often gentler than chemical sunscreens. 

Secret Tip 5: Order Matters

Think of sunscreen as part of your skin care regimen. Apply it as the last step before application of your makeup. There are some great products that include SPF, but it probably isn't enough to limit the harmful effects of the sun's skin-burning ultraviolet (UV) rays. 

By following these tips, you can choose a sunscreen that's a knockout against UV rays and keeps you looking and feeling your best all summer long!

NP Noorin’s FAVE Go-To SPF:

The EltaMD UV Clear Tinted Broad Spectrum SPF 46 for the win. 

I love this formulation for the sheer tint to even out my skin tone.  It also has some great ingredients- 5% Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and discoloration. It also has micronized zinc oxide to protect my skin from damaging UVA (aging) and UVB (burning) rays.

Stay sun-safe my healthy skin friends!

P.S. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more often if sweating or swimming. And don't forget to shield your eyes with sunglasses and wear protective clothing whenever possible. ️

Oh and to my microneedling peeps: You all know my stance of keeping that hat around whenever possible to protect our skin resurfacing work!

This post was written by wellbe’s Nurse Practitioner, Noorin. Click here to book your first session with her!