3 Things You Didn’t Know About Seasonal Allergies

4 min read
woman with seasonal summer allergies blowing her nose

Wait wha - summer allergies?! Yep, it’s a thing. 

Spring is long gone, the sun is shining…. aaaaand you can’t keep sneezing, sniffling and well, dripping…. You’re suffering from summer allergies, friend (that is if your covid test is negative!).

Summer allergy season is a real thing and it keeps going well after April and May.

We bet you didn’t know the following about this seasonal allergy in particular:

#1 Mould

Among the usual allergy trigger suspects such as pollen, grasses and bugs, mould also triggers summer allergies. Mould loves water, obvs. On hot days, mould is in the air — humidity creates excess moisture in the air, which in turn creates mould. Going to damp areas like lakes, swimming holes and even pools, we expose ourselves to more outside mould than usual.  

#2 Sinus Infections

Allergies often increase the risk of getting a sinus infection. As a result of inflammation in the nose and sinuses, allergies stop mucus from draining properly, which can lead to infection. 

The news just keeps getting better, doesn’t it?

#3 Acupuncture can help!

Put down the anti-histamines and nasal spray and say byyeee to your allergies with the help of acupuncture. Acupuncture boosts immune system function and helps to decrease inflammation, which in turn opens up passages so fluid can flow and pressure + pain can dissipate.  

In fact, the World Health Organization has stated that acupuncture significantly helps to reduce allergy symptoms.  

PS. To keep up with the effects of Acupuncture at home - try our Ear Seeds and Gua Sha stone for DIY at-home relief!  See below for ear seed placement that will help you keep those allergy symptoms at bay and keep an eye on our Instagram page for a tutorial on how to use Gua Sha for allergy relief!

ear seeds map for allergies

This post was written by wellbe’s chiropractor + acupuncturist Dr. Aliya Visram. Want a little more hands-on help with your allergies? Book your visit with one of our acupuncturists here.