Mental Health Check: How to Check In With + Support Your Friends and Family

2 min read
mental health check in

Mental health issues can be hard to talk about and providing a safe space and allowing your loved ones to approach the topic at their own pace is so important. Mental health challenges don’t have to isolate us from friends and family – seeking ways to check in on each other helps build stronger bonds and a path towards better days ahead. Asking for help can be tough; let them know that they have a safe space with you and that you’re here to support them through whatever challenges they’re currently facing – they’ll do the same for you! A strong support circle can make a difference.

How to check in with friends + family

Start the conversation.

Let them know you have noticed some changes and are concerned. Reassure them that you are there for them when and if they are ready to talk without pressure. This is a safe space - let them know that your door is always open when they need support.

Don't be quick to offer solutions in an attempt to make the person feel better.

Take time to listen to what the person is saying to ensure they feel heard. It can be uncomfortable and hard to hear a person you love is struggling and we instinctively want to say or do anything to help them feel better. Give them the time to let everything out before responding.

Share your concern, not your judgment.

Do not compare their struggles to other people who may be in similar situations. Every situation is different and it's important to show them that what they're going through and the emotions that they're feeling are valid.

Present options.

Let them know there are professionals that people can reach out to for support if they are struggling with mental health. Help them as they decide which option they’re most comfortable with and let them know that you’re there for them as they navigate this.

Ask next-step questions.

It is important to ask the person what can be helpful to support them with their mental health struggles. If they do not know, offer suggestions and what the next steps could be. 

Today is Bell Let's Talk Day, and while that marks an important milestone in the journey to destigmatize mental health conversations, we can’t forget that taking care of our wellbeing is a round-the-clock effort! Conversations about managing mental well-being should go beyond one day each year; let’s commit to continuing these vital discussions all around us every single day as we continue to advocate for stronger mental health support in our communities. Together, we can make sure nobody faces their challenge alone. Together, we can create change.

Let's make every day about mental health by listening to those around us and making sure they feel supported when needed. We can all understand the importance of caring for one another when it comes to our mental well-being.

This post was written by wellbe’s social worker + psychotherapist Marissa Bent. If you are in need of additional resources or assistance, you can book a virtual visit with our social workers here.