Is Your Baby Lacking Vital Nutrients?

2 min read

Did you know 45% of women do not reach the nutritional needs that their body requires as they create this tiny human ready to take on the world…shocking, right? We want to make sure you and your baby are as healthy as can be as you start this new chapter in your life.

Let’s take a minute to break down the top 4 nutrients needed during pregnancy that may be missing in your current diet.

Omega 3’s – Fish, Legumes, and Flax Oh My!

Omegas are an essential nutrient needed in the body during all stages of life and are usually lacking in a typical American diet. They have been shown to increase brain development (who doesn’t want an intelligent baby?), foster proper immune system, and can help prevent pre-term labour. As soon as baby starts to steal these Omega’s, mom needs more! Eating low-mercury cold water fish (think salmon, tuna, and herring) or taking a high-quality fish oil supplement from a reputable brand can safely keep your DHA and EPA levels where they need to be.

Folate/Folic Acid – This one is a no brainer!

All prenatal vitamins by law must contain a sufficient amount of folic acid, however what they don’t tell you is folic acid and folate are NOT the same thing. It’s like saying oranges and sunnyD are the same (throwback to 1990’s)! Folate is the natural form present in our foods, whereas Folic Acid is a synthetic form that not everyone can use. Sources of natural folate include dark leafy greens, beans, legumes, and citrus fruits.

Choline – What is choline anyways?

Found in egg yolks, fish, lean meat, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc.), choline is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in pregnancy. Many women avoid eggs in pregnancy for the fear of salmonella, but only 1/20,000 eggs are thought to be contaminated, and if fully cooked, are perfectly safe to consume. Even though choline supplementation in the third trimester has shown to have life-long cognitive benefits for baby, most prenatal vitamins contain very little, if any, choline. 

Calcium – Don’t we all need calcium?

As baby starts developing, they rely on mom for all of their calcium needs. If you are not taking in enough calcium through your diet, your body starts looking to your bones as hidden calcium stores. Bones with low calcium = osteoporosis, and no one wants that! Don’t forget about Calcium’s best friend, vitamin D too!

Here at wellbe, our naturopaths are ready to help guide you through preconception, pregnancy, and beyond to make sure you and your kiddo(s) are living your “be happy, be healthy, be love, be you, be well” life!

This post was written by Dr. Mallory Reinthaler, ND.