naturopathic medicine | pre + postnatal

mamas and mamas-to-be require special care and attention during the pre and postnatal periods


Naturopathic Medicine | Prenatal

Your body has different needs in each trimester and it is important to be supplying it with the vitamins and nutrients required for you and your baby. Naturopathic medicine aims to support the body as it goes through the necessary changes, optimize nutrient absorption, and help your baby thrive in the womb. While pregnancy is a truly special time, there are often accompanying ailments and discomforts such as nausea, leg cramps, fatigue, and heartburn that can be alleviated with the right treatment. We strive to make sure you are well prepared for labour to reduce the need for medical interventions. Prenatal care can help prevent complications and inform women about important steps they can take to ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy.


Naturopathic Medicine | postnatal

Once baby has arrived, we are here to help if things are not going as planned. In the post-partum period, Naturopathic medicine is a powerful tool to enhance recovery from vaginal or Caesarean birth and help new families succeed. Our naturopathic doctor can assist with increasing energy levels, overcoming breastfeeding challenges, and support those suffering from post-partum depression and anxiety.



be you. be well.

our naturopaths will help you navigate the physical, hormonal and emotional changes every mother faces



your wellbe naturopathic doctors



If you have any questions about naturopathy for pre and postnatal, please use our chat box, or contact us.


Naturopathic doctors can help to treat prenatal conditions such as: morning sickness, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, fatigue, nutrient deficiencies as well as provide diet, sleep and exercise recommendations for each trimester.

We typically recommend a minimum of once per trimester, with more frequent appointments if necessary to address specific concerns. Don't forget about that 4th trimester! Once the baby is born, we can provide significant support for both parents and baby.