The Reason for the Season: 5 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Giving

3 min read

As December rolls around, the excitement and anticipation of the holiday season begins to build - especially for the kiddos. They eagerly await the *magic* the holiday season brings with it topped with the DAY of all days - when they awaken to find gifts nestled under the tree.  For their first few years of life, there was no rhyme or reason to these presents - they just received them from a guy with a white beard everyone called Santa. 

But as they get older, it becomes time to share the importance of giving rather than receiving.  It comes back to generosity and kindness as lifelong values and moreover raising good humans who moderate their wants and be thankful for what they have, giving to others.

I know, it’s easier said than done.

Here are 5 tips to help you teach the art of giving this holiday season:

  1. Shift the holiday focus away from gift-getting.  Make quality family time the major holiday focus. Baking cookies for neighbours or loved ones, donating toys to charity or collecting clothes or personal times for local shelters in need are all ways that kiddos can get involved says Tiffany Lewis, wellbe social worker and therapist, “Have the kiddos help in choosing the charity and explain to them what donating means and why it’s so important.”

  2. Spread kindness.  This year in our home we have a kindness calendar in place of an advent calendar - and although we all (this mama included) miss the regular hit of chocolate or candy - our acts of kindness have us feeling an entirely different kind of high.  Holding doors open, writing a note just because, and telling funny jokes are all ways we can shine a light on others. Sometimes a holiday gift can even come in the form of a polite and courteous kid.

  3. Lead by example. “We have to model giving and explain how it makes us feel to give and share with our kiddos” Tiffany explains. Our little humans learn by watching us and emulating our behaviours. A little family bonding through volunteering can really help to bring a family closer.

  4. Give less. Yep, I said it. Giving your kiddos fewer gifts this year is an epic lesson in less getting and more giving. We’re not saying turn down festivities, however, if your tress is overflowing with presents - you may want to take things down a level or two. Focusing on one or two family traditions instead will help change their mindset as well as bring a bit more mindfulness to gift getting.

  5. Bring that giving energy every day, throughout the year.  Yes, this season is a great time to give back and help others - but you and your fam jam can donate time and energy all year long.  The kindness calendar can go another 11 months, why stop at December 25th?

Ultimately, the holidays are about the love you give and share.  These tips are just the beginning to get you and your family on your way to a very merry, very giving holiday season - this year and every year.

From our hive to yours - happy holidays!

This post was written by wellbe’s co-founder, acupuncturist + chiropractor Dr Aliya Visram. To book with Tiffany Lewis, click here.