Pessary 101: What is a Pessary?

4 min read

A pessary is a medical-grade silicone device that is inserted into the vagina to reposition organs, alter proprioception and support the urethra. They can provide immediate relief of symptoms & are minimally invasive compared to surgery. Pessaries can be used continuously or may be inserted and removed to support certain activities (ex: exercise). 

A pessary is inserted into the vaginal canal, and depending on the type of pessary, it will either sit high in the vaginal canal supporting the cervix or it will sit midway in the vaginal canal similar to a tampon. 

A pessary is a great option for anyone who is: 

  • experiencing pelvic organ prolapse (POP) symptoms: heaviness, dragging or bulging sensations, difficulty emptying their bladder or bowels, painful intercourse 

  • experiencing urinary incontinence (UI): bladder leakage with coughing, sneezing or laughing, or bladder leakage with running, jumping or other forms of exercise 

  • at ANY age or life phase, pessaries are not ONLY for the older population! They can help optimize pelvic health function during postpartum, perimenopause and postmenopause! 

The Society of Obstetrician and Gyneaecologists of Canada Guidelines recommends that EVERY woman with a pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence can be offered a pessary as a treatment option, and most women can be successfully fitted with a pessary. They have also noted that serious complications are rare. 

This blog post was written by wellbe’s pelvic health physiotherapist Amber Watkins. Book your first session with Amber here and learn more about Pessaries here.