physiotherapy | pelvic health

our pelvic health physiotherapists work with you in preparation for labour + delivery, restoring function and strength after birth, and to achieve your specific goals


It may be a buzz word among pregnant women, but pelvic health physiotherapy is more than just kegels. Our pelvic health physiotherapists are the unsung heroes of pregnancy and have specialized training to assess and treat the specific muscles that make up your pelvic floor and support your pelvic organs. Our physiotherapists work with ALL types of patients who may be experiencing some kind of pelvic floor dysfunction including urinary or fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, diastasis recti, constipation, pain during intercourse and persistent pelvic pain and discomfort.

Our practitioners use a hands-on approach and have the sensitivity along with the expertise to make patients feel comfortable during assessment and treatment.

They will work one on one with you to get you feeling and moving better in no time!


Prenatal Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

“I should have come earlier?!”

A comment our pelvic health physiotherapists hear A LOT. Pelvic health physiotherapy is and should be an important part of every woman’s pregnancy journey. By helping to strengthen and prepare the pelvic floor muscles for labour and delivery, our physiotherapists are the unsung heroes of pregnancy helping to prevent injury and dysfunction and educating women on the optimal strategies for birthing.

Using a detailed and comprehensive approach and both an external and internal assessment, our physiotherapists will educate and empower women on what to expect during pregnancy and beyond.


Postpartum Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Congratulations on your new baby!, what?!

Labour and delivery of baby often involves trauma to the pelvic muscles and just like other muscle injuries, your pelvic floor muscles need help too! Many postpartum women experience incontinence, feelings of fullness in the pelvis, pelvic pain, and pain during sex. Our pelvic health physiotherapists can help restore function and strength after birth. We will be right there with you guiding you back to regular activities and exercise, so you can be your best mom self.

C-section? We’ve got you too, mama. Our physiotherapists are great at releasing scar tissue to help encourage healing and recovery.

Come see us after you’ve got your 6 week all-clear from your physician—we’re here to help!



be you. be well.

our practitioners use a hands-on approach and have the sensitivity along with the expertise to make you feel comfortable during assessment and treatment



your wellbe pelvic floor therapists



If you have any questions about pelvic floor physiotherapy, please use our chat box, or contact us.


The pelvic floor is made up of layers of muscles which work to support our abdominal and pelvic organs, help in bladder, bowel, and sexual function, and make up part of our “core”. A pelvic floor (or pelvic health) physiotherapist is a Registered Physiotherapist with specialized training to treat these specific muscles.

Similar to all our services, expect our therapists to listen, ask questions and work collaboratively with you. In addition to discussing your challenges, we create a plan that gets you closer to your goals - whatever they may be.

Your session will include both an external and internal exam as well as a lesson in anatomy 101 so you know exactly what’s going on, where and why.

Pelvic health physiotherapy is completely safe during pregnancy. In fact, many women often find relief and reassurance post-treatment session.

Seeing a pelvic health physiotherapist after your first trimester (12 weeks) of pregnancy is ideal. At this stage, prenatal pelvic health physiotherapy will focus on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles to prevent conditions such as incontinence, pelvic pain and pelvic prolapse and prepare the body for labour and delivery including optimal birthing and pushing strategies.

Having a baby changes the way your body feels and functions. After your “six week clearance” our pelvic health physiotherapists will work with you to encourage healing and guide you back to activity. Under our care, we will help you restore your core and strengthen your body. Our pelvic health physiotherapists will look for things like diastasis recti, scar tissue sensitivity, prolapse, and pelvic dysfunction.