Stress-Free Holidays Ahead!

3 min read

It’s dark by 5pm, you know what that means… Winter is here!!

And with winter comes Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD.  SAD is a type of depression that affects us in the winter months.  It affects our mood and can cause us to become grumpy, disinterested, and have an overall feeling of sluggishness or tiredness.  To make things harder, ‘tis the season for holidays and all the commitments that come with it. 

For most of us, the last few years have seen a different holiday season than we are used to. This year marks the return of family gatherings, holiday parties, and more festive activities. A packed social calendar, in combination with SAD, can be overwhelming so be kind to yourself!

There are many tips and tricks to help get through the holiday season and finding what works best for you might take some time, practice, and special care.  

Tip 1

You might find during the holiday season, social commitments are fast and furious and oftentimes overwhelming.  

Remind yourself it’s okay to say NO.  Nope, nada, not this time, not right now - it’s all okay! Saying no to overextending yourself is useful for keeping your stress levels down and helps you enjoy the time you do spend with others. Say no to baking those extra treats. Say no to spending too much on gifts. Say no to your fourth commitment of the week. Prioritize what you want to say YES to, and say NO to the rest.  

Tip 2

On the flip side, the holiday season can be especially challenging for those experiencing loneliness.  Loneliness can exasperate feelings of depression which makes practicing self-care even more essential during the holiday season.  Set intentions to ramp up your favourite self-care activities; have an extra bath this week {with bubbles!}, go to the gym one more time, treat yourself to something yummy, or read a good book.  Whatever it is that makes you smile, do more of it.  

There are several things you can do to help combat loneliness during this time:

  • look for opportunities to volunteer somewhere - extra help is always wanted and it is often met with kind people to engage with

  • hang out in busy spots like the mall, various places of worship, or anywhere you are able to surround yourself with people - even if they are not your people 

Tip 3

The holidays are stressful enough - try not to fall into the “Hallmark” holiday trap. Things don’t need to be perfect in order to be enjoyable. Make your own traditions and prioritize the things you enjoy doing with the people you enjoy the most.There is no right or wrong way to spend the holidays so recognizing the things you cherish and hold importance to will help to prioritize where you put your energy.

This holiday season give yourself the best gift of all - prioritizing your mental health!  Say no more often, indulge in the things you enjoy, and be around people - or not! Whatever it is, just remember - self-care is the key to getting through the next couple of weeks. Take care of yourself and enjoy the holidays in whatever way makes you happy!

Happy Holidays! And don’t forget to breathe!

This post was written by wellbe’s social worker Rachel Jessome. If you are in need of additional resources or assistance, you can book a visit with our social workers here.