How to Pick the Right Running Shoe for You

2 min read

Welcome back to wellbe’s running series! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing some great tips and tricks to help you make the most of your running, whether you’re just getting started or you’re a seasoned vet. Check back next week for another great post and catch up on what you missed last week here.

When picking a running shoe it is important to choose a shoe that is lightweight but that also has a sole that is not too hard and not too soft - you want to make sure that support is juuuuuuust right (like Goldilocks!). Here are a few tests that you can try on your shoe to determine if it will provide the appropriate amount of support. 

The Dishrag Test

right running shoes - dishrag test.png

Hold the toe of the shoe in one hand and the heel in the other and twist each end in the opposite direction like a dishrag. Ideally, you want the shoe to be able to move without being too rigid. 

The Fold Test

right running shoes - fold test.png

Fold the toe of the shoe upwards towards the tongue. The toe of the shoe should be able to fold up vertically without touching the tongue. The key here is to make sure the shoe is not too rigid and not too flexible.

The Shelf Test

right running shoes - shelf test.png

Put your shoes on a flat surface, like a shelf, and check to see if the sole of the shoe is still right under the rest of the shoe. If the shoe is leaning away from the sole then it is time to toss that shoe away!

This post was written by wellbe’s chiropractor Dr Julia Marshall. Book your visit here and get ready to feel the heal here.