5 Things You Didn’t Know Were Good For Your Heart

2 min read
laughter for the heart

You’ve heard it before…consume all of the good fats, exercise daily, sleep well, and reduce your stress levels, but I bet you didn’t know that the following 5 things can also have a positive impact on the health of your heart!

1. Laughter really is the best medicine.

  • The endorphins released during laughter increase blood flow in the body, decrease blood pressure, and reduce our stress hormones.

2. Flossing reduces heart disease.

  • Yup, really!  Here’s how: flossing your teeth removes harmful bacteria that would otherwise enter your bloodstream, cause inflammation in your blood vessels and create blood clots. Studies show that people who have poor oral health (such as gum disease or tooth loss) have higher rates of cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or stroke than people with good oral health.  Gingivitis alone, can double the chances of heart disease.  

3. #Flax is trending.

  • Flax is a healthy source of ALA omegas, which are needed for proper artery function, reducing our “bad” cholesterol and improving our heart health.

4. Your mental health.

  • Fluctuations in mood can elevate your heart rate, increase insulin, and raise blood pressure, which makes our heart’s job more difficult. Seek support where necessary, and chat with one of wellbe’s psychotherapists if things feel overwhelming. 

5. Sweat it out.

  • The heat from a sauna can increase circulation throughout your body in a way similar to physical activity. That doesn’t mean you should skip out on the gym, though!  Exercise combined with gentle stretching and a bit of time in the warmth of a sauna will help keep you in tip top shape!

Take a step in the right direction and book a complimentary, non-obligation 15 minute meet and greet with one of our naturopaths to make sure your heart stays happy & healthy.

This post was written by wellbe naturopathic doctor Mallory Reinthaler, ND

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