12 Days of Kindness

2 min read
Kindness in Toronto

We’ve finally made it. The last month of 2020, a year that’s been anything but normal. A year riddled with tragedy, heartbreak, sorrow and challenges. A year where we all had to completely shift from the norm and constantly pivot to the ever-changing restrictions and guidelines thanks to a global pandemic. A year of racial reckoning where we were forced to acknowledge the part we play in the racial injustices that plague our society. 

A year that has changed all of us. 

And while navigating this 2020 has been one heck of a challenge, we have been utterly moved by communities coming together to support one another during these difficult times. 

It’s the reason why we did things a little bit differently this year. For the first 12 days of December on social media, we decided to shine the spotlight on some amazing charitable organizations that are doing work every single day to support various communities and individuals across our city.

In case you missed any of them, we wanted to compile a list of the organizations that we featured during the 12 Days of Kindness along with a few others that we think deserve a little love - it turns out that 12 isn’t enough! Take a look at the organizations that we decided to highlight below and visit them to learn more about how you can get involved. We hope that you’re able to connect with one that means something special to you!

  1. Black Healing T.O.

  2. Fetch + Releash Dog Rescue

  3. New Circles

  4. Ocama Collective

  5. Fight-Club

  6. Youth Mental Health Canada

  7. The 519

  8. Black Mental Health Matters

  9. FoodShare

  10. Youth Without Shelter

  11. Matthew House

  12. Youth Assisting Youth

Don’t forget to check out these other amazing organizations as well - we wish we could have included all of them!

Wishing you and your family the best for the holidays from our wellbe hive!