Introducing the Game-Changing PIPS Technique for Feeding Babies

3 min read

Feeding your sweet babe is a beautiful bonding experience between caregivers and their little ones, but we know it’s not always an easy journey. For many caregivers and infants, challenges such as a “tongue tie” or jaw/neck issues can often make feeding your new baby a struggle.

Working with a chiropractor, massage therapist or manual therapist in general can definitely help. By releasing tension and tightness in the jaw - both outside and inside, improving neck and shoulder range of motion and just overall helping ease tension - many little babes benefit from this type of manual therapy.

Recently, both Dr Bridgette and I have had the opportunity to learn a few new techniques that can help overcome feeding hurdles and provide hope for families that may be struggling. Dr Pegah & RMT Sheila have also been trained in this amazing technique!

Developed by Dr. Jenna Davis, the Pediatric Intraoral Palate Specific (PIPs) technique is revolutionizing the way chiropractors address tongue tie issues in feeding babies. But what exactly makes this technique a game-changer, and how does it work?

Firstly, let's understand what tongue tie is. Tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, occurs when the tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth is unusually tight or short, restricting the tongue's movement. This restriction can lead to difficulties with feeding, as the baby may struggle to latch properly or transfer milk effectively.

Traditional treatment approaches often focus solely on releasing the lingual frenulum, the tissue under the tongue. While this can be effective in some cases, it may not fully address all aspects of the problem, especially when there are additional restrictions in the palate.

This is where the PIPS technique shines. Unlike traditional methods, PIPS targets specific restrictions in the palate, offering a more comprehensive approach to treatment. By releasing tight or restrictive tissue in the palate, PIPS aims to improve tongue mobility and function, ultimately enhancing the feeding experience for both caregiver and baby.

But why is PIPS considered a game-changer? Here are a few reasons:

Comprehensive Treatment: PIPS provides a comprehensive solution to tongue tie issues by addressing both lingual and palatal restrictions. This tailored approach ensures that all aspects of the problem are properly addressed, leading to more effective outcomes. Yay…and phew!

Improved Feeding Success: By improving tongue mobility and function, PIPS can significantly enhance feeding success rates. Babies are better able to latch onto the nipple - either breast or bottle - and transfer milk effectively, reducing feeding difficulties and nipple/chest pain for caregivers and improving the efficiency of feeds! Those marathon nighttime feedings are history baby!

Minimally Invasive: Depending on the specific tools and techniques used, PIPS can be minimally invasive. Even after frenectomies or tongue tie releases, this technique can help prevent re-attachment and helps caregivers continue the healing process after the release is complete. This means less discomfort for the baby and faster recovery times, allowing families to resume feeding with minimal interruption - getting feeding on track!

Collaborative Care: PIPS often involves a collaborative approach between healthcare professionals, including lactation consultants, pediatric dentists, and ENT specialists. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that families receive comprehensive care and support throughout the feeding journey. We’ve got you!

The PIPS technique offers new hope for feeding families struggling with tongue-tie issues.

Developed by Dr. Jenna Davis, this innovative approach addresses both lingual and palatal restrictions, leading to improved feeding success and overall well-being for caregiver and baby.

As more healthcare providers adopt the PIPS technique, we can look forward to a future where feeding challenges are met with effective solutions and support.

This post was written by wellbe’s Chiropractor Dr Aliya Visram. Book your first visit with Dr Aliya, Dr Bridgette, Dr Pegah, or Sheila here.