Finding Support in the First Year of Motherhood: The Power of Community

2 min read

New momhood is.. well, a slog. It’s probably the most difficult, most wonderful, most challenging, and most amazing time of your life.

I had my own son in 2019. Right before Christmas. We had a glorious first month of seeing people and snuggling. And then people went back to life and I had much less support than I thought I might have. It also turned out I realized I was NOT the mom who could stay home with baby all day every day and be content. Who knew? Oh, and did I mention we entered into a pandemic three months later?

Being able to form connections in the first year of a baby’s life is a natural and necessary thing. For baby. And for mom!  Those first few months are filled with wonder and awe, as well as some very challenging hormones and expectations. 

There are immense benefits of group work for new moms, but here are just a few:

  • Meeting other moms who are going through the same range of emotions and new experiences you’re having reduces the sense of isolation early parenthood can create.  Forming connections with others can boost our moods and motivations, which is only going to be good for you AND your baby!

  • Having a forum for questions and answers and advice can help with those stumping events, like “is it normal that my baby does this?”, and reduces the frustrations and anxiety that can come with parenting.

Almost 25% of women* experience postpartum depression after giving birth.  There is actual evidence to suggest that group therapy can be an effective treatment.

Being in a group together can provide opportunities! For you and babe to bond or for mom to breathe and take a break. Either is a good thing!

Find your community! Join wellbe’s social worker Shannon Deacon for our upcoming Empowered Mamas Support Group, running from 11:00am-12:00pm Wednesdays for 6 weekly sessions beginning on Wednesday, April 5th. Using both clinically informed interventions and knowledge gained from practice, this 6-week support group provides new parents a safe space to share their thoughts, emotions and experiences, and creates opportunities to enhance mental wellness. 

This post was written by wellbe’s social worker Shannon Deacon. If you are in need of support, you can book an in-person or virtual visit with our social workers here.

*statistic source: Stats Canada Study: Maternal Mental Health in Canada, 2018/2019