How to Get Back on Track for the New Year

3 min read
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With the holiday season damage done and the new year in full swing, moving along faster than ever, there is no time like the present to get your nutrition + fitness on track. 

You may be trying to get into a routine and there may still be so many temptations and excuses to slack on cleaning things up and getting back on track to eating well + moving more. 

You may even think to yourself, “I’ll just enjoy and get back to things in a few weeks when things settle down and I’m back into a routine.”

Take my advice: that will only make things harder. And it only puts you further behind when it comes to how you actually want to feel both inside and out. 

It only fills you with excuses to not succeed today, tomorrow and the day after that. 

Instead of putting your wellness goals off for “when you are more ready,” why not start creating healthy habits NOW by putting a program in place that will help you stay on-track month after month, not just for the new year! 

Here are 10 tips to help you succeed at turning your New Year wellness goals + resolutions into daily lifestyle habits:


Because saying you want to stay on track isn’t enough. 


Clean eating, working out, and indulging; map out the events you want to indulge in and create a meal plan to keep you on track and give you guidance between them. 


Keep it simple. When we are unprepared and hungry, we are way more likely to make bad decisions and be tempted by unhealthy treats. Don’t give yourself room to fall off. Be prepared.


Choose protein-rich snacks. My go-to is a smoothie with a scoop of well-sourced protein powder.


By learning it is ok to say no you can find a balance between indulging in the foods you enjoy and still working toward your goals.  


Depriving yourself of every food you enjoy or constantly forcing yourself to workout when you don’t have the energy won’t lead to faster results. True lifestyle changes that create results that last come from being consistend.


In terms of developing healthy habits around the holidays, everything needs to be simple. Simple keeps us on track. And simple, when it comes to getting moving, means quick home workouts that require no equipment and not much time. Remember, something is better than nothing! And often when you start out just doing something you’ll end up getting in a killer workout. 


Small changes add up to big results so use your daily goals as a way to help instill healthy habits. 


A lot of the time when we think we are hungry we are actually just thirsty, so have some water before you grab a bite. Drinking water will also ensure you are supporting your digestion. 


Sleep will always be one of the biggest factors to attaining your goals. "I hate how a good night’s rest makes me feel” - said no one EVER!  

You don’t need to strive for perfection. You just need to be consistent. You can find balance. Remember - balance leads to consistency, which leads to healthy + sustainable lifestyle habits. 


If you need a little guidance getting yourself back on track or finding it tough to keep consistent, I can help!  From giving you tips to keep you in check to finding lifestyle changes that work, my work as a holistic nutritionist is to help find ways to a healthier and happier you!  Complimentary virtual appointments can be booked here.

Find out how I can help you!

This blog post was written by wellbe’s holistic nutritionist Sabrina Virdee.