Are B12 Injections Right For Me?

2 min read
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Wellbe is proud to now be offering Vitamin B12 injections for patients requiring additional supplementation.

Here are your B12 shot questions answered below!

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is one of the essential vitamins in our bodies responsible for many functions including nerve health, fat/protein metabolism, and blood cell production. Hello anemic patients, this one is for you!

The only naturally occurring B12 in our diet comes from animal products, the rest is artificially added to foods to try and combat deficiencies.

What are some symptoms of a B12 deficiency?

  • Fatigue / lethargy

  • Numbness or tingling in hands or feet

  • Mouth ulcers / cankers

  • Foggy memory

  • Depression

Who can benefit from B12 injections?

  • Vegetarians, vegans, and infrequent meat-eaters.

  • People who take certain medications like antacids, cholesterol reducers, and metformin, which reduce the ability of the body to absorb B12.

  • As we age, our ability to absorb B12 decreases therefore elderly patients often benefit from injections.

  • People with inflammatory conditions in the gut like celiac and IBD. These conditions decrease the ability to absorb B12 from foods and oral supplements.

Can I get an injection if I am pregnant?

Oral supplementation is preferred over B12 injections during pregnancy. Our ND can help you determine the right form and dosage for you during this exciting time.

What do I need in order to get an injection?

  • The vitamin B12 levels in your blood must have been tested within the last year. If they are lower than 300, you may be a candidate for a B12 injection.

  • If you do not have up to date bloodwork, our Naturopathic Doctor can set up some testing for you.

  • Injections are most beneficial when done 1x/month for 6-8 months in order to regain stores in your body, however, a treatment plan will be tailored for you. 

How is it different from B12 injections through my MD?

We use a form of B12 that is already methylated, meaning the body has one less step to do in order to use it, making it a more absorbable form.

 Still not sure if B12 injections can benefit your health? Set up a complimentary meet and greet with our Naturopathic Doctor to see if this may be the right fit for you!

This blog post was written by wellbe’s naturopathic doctor Dr. Mallory Reinthaler.